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Seeking english speaking babysitter/au pair in pigneto, rome


I am looking for an English native speaker babysitter or au pair in Pigneto, Rome. Children are 4 and 7 and have had English speaking au pairs for nearly 2 years now. They are starting to understand English but do not yet speak it.

Your job will include:
- taking them to school (15min away on foot) twice a week 7am-8:30
- picking them up from school at 4:30pm twice a week and spend with them the rest of the afternoon until 7:30pm
- occasionally we might ask far in advance to be with the children for some hours on a Friday evening (7pm-midnight) or Saturday morning/afternoon

In the morning, children will wake up and you will need to assist them with getting ready for school:
1. prepare them breakfast
2. help them wash themselves and get ready for school (teeth, bathroom routine)
3. making sure their school bags are ready
4. tidy up with them and after them as to leave the flat a tidy place

In the afternoon you will need to pick them up and be with them until 7-7:30pm. During this time you will:
1. watch out and play with them in the play area outside school
2. feed them a snack and take care of them if they need the toilet
3. take them to after school activities such as swimming and yoga
4. take them home where you will have them take a bath and prepare for evening
5. Play with them at home. Occasionally you will need to prepare food for them or help the elder with homework.

It is vital that you always speak English with them. Play with them in English, give instructions in English.
At all times you will be watchful, responsible, patient, resourceful, kind and creative. You will be quick at learning the kids' habits and where things are around the house.

Spending time with children and taking care of their needs is something you have experience with (references preferable) and you thrive on. You have a permesso di soggiorno and you have papers in order to live and work or study in Italy.

Candidates with 6-7 month availability will be preferred. Living-in option is also available.


Tipologia di babysitting: babysitting fisso part-time

2 bambini da accudire (da 3 a 6 anni / più di 6 anni)

Tipo di tata cercata: assistente all'infanzia, tata a domicilio, babysitter

ricerca svolta da oltre 4 anni (16 Gennaio 2020)
Necessità durante le vacanze scolastiche
Automobile richiesta
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