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Looking for babysitter in ventimiglia on 18th august.

The wedding is taking place at the Villa Eva restaurant, and we will be staying at the Villa Eva hotel that is 50m away from the restaurant. We will have our children with us during the day, but would like to have a babysitter to watch them at our hotel room in the evening. We are flexible on timings, but we know that the party will be too late for them to stay up.


Tipologia di babysitting: babysitting occasionale

2 bambini da accudire (da 1 a 3 anni / da 3 a 6 anni)

Tipo di tata cercata: tata a domicilio, babysitter

Automobile richiesta
Patente richiesta
Inizio: il Sabato 18/08/2018 a 21h00
Fine: il Domenica 19/08/2018 a 01h00