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Wow, delle assistenti all'infanzia sono disponibili a Vairano (81058) !

Caserta, le città principali

Assistente all'infanzia Caserta
Assistente all'infanzia Aversa
Assistente all'infanzia Marcianise
Baiba, assistente all'infanzia qualificata Vairano scalo

Hi! My name is Baiba and I am Latvian who lived in Italy 1, 5 years. So, my experience with kids starts from the time I was 12 years old when my first nephew came to this world and now they are 10, yes we are a big family. The first kid that I was watching is 18 now, time flies, right? Not only I have experience with my family kids but all time I had lived here in Italy I was Au Pair for 3 beautiful kids from age 1, 5 years (when I came) till the age of 7. I can cook some Italian food a...

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