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Native english babysitter wanted ;-)

Hi there!
We are looking for a native English speaking babysitter or a proficiency English speaking (PET C2 qualification) babysitter for our 2 kids, Alice 9 years and Enrico 8 years old.
Timetable 14-17, Saturday and Sunday, or just Sat or Sun, very flexible.
CV and references requested.
No homework requested, but teaching the language by having fun, playing, singing, painting, playing games at the park...
Erasmus students from Holland, Scandinavia, Germany are welcome.
If you are Italian and have a PET C2 qualification, you will speak and understand only English with the kids and with us.
Our rate is for both kids is 10 Euro per hour.
We live in Bolognina/Navile, it would be a big benefit having you in the neighborhood.
Thank you!


Tipologia di babysitting: babysitting occasionale

2 bambini da accudire (più di 6 anni)

Tipo di tata cercata: tata a domicilio, babysitter

Automobile richiesta
Patente richiesta
Inizio: il Sabato 11/03/2023 a 14h00
Fine: il Sabato 11/03/2023 a 17h00