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Lezioni proposte :
Inglese, Altro

Ewa, professore di lingue - 10123 Torino

I punti forti d'Ewa


Hi, I am Ewa and I would be very happy to learn you English. A few years ago, I did International Baccalaureate Diplomma Programme where I was studying all subjects in English. That lead me to move to Italy for the University. Now I'm once again studying in English, for an architecture degree. During our lessons, we will talk with each other a lot, as I believe is the best way to learn the language. If you'd like I can also prepare you for IELTS and IELTS Academic as I myself passed it on level C1.

I am a first-year Polish undergraduate student majoring in Architecture, conducted in English. However, learning languages is my passion for years. It allows me to understand the world better, from different perspectives because I think that learning a new language gives a whole new personality. This is one of the reasons why Idecided to study abroad and plan to live in different places around the world.

- International Baccalaureate - Two years diploma programme with lessons fully conducted in English. One part of it was writing an Internal Assessment of about 2100 words for every subject. Such experience significantly developed the variety of my language with a more specialized vocabulary.
- Young Master 2018 - Scholarship program organized both in Germany and Poland. It gave me a possibility not only to expand my artistic abilities but also was one of the first places where I needed to use a foreign language on daily basis.
- Polish-Norwegian Exchange 2019 - Two-week exchange conducted both in Poland and Norway, during which we were creating a project in the mixed groups. This time significantly improved my speaking abilities.

Mini CV

Lezioni proposte Inglese
Esperienza Do lezioni da 1-2 anni.
Lingue parlate Italiano (corrente)
Inglese (bilingue)


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21 anni
Ewa, professore  lingue - 10123 Torino


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15,00 €
Prezzo richiesto

My price is motivated by the fact that I'm not only taking care of your child but also teaching them a new language.