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Babysitting proposti :
Babysitting, Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola, Tata a domicilio, Ragazza alla pari (info)

Vahid, giovane ragazzo alla pari a Torino

I punti forti di Vahid


This is Vahid! My mother tongue is irrelevant here because you may not be interested in teaching your child Persian (:d). However, I speak English fluently. I enjoy working with children and babies and can build strong connections with them even more than with my peers or university mates. I am kind, honest, and loyal, always seeking opportunities to teach and learn. Please kindly Google my name as well so that you can have a clearer idea of my research and English abilities.”

One important thing that parents should consider while hiring a tutor for their child is getting to know the method of teaching that the tutor wants to apply. Whether it is a grammatical approach or vocabulary-based methods, it makes a lot of difference! My chosen method, however, depending on the age of the child, is more focused on unconscious learning behaviors. For instance, how are we going to teach a 6-year-old baby the phrase “Io sono Vahid”? One way is to write it down on paper and ask him to rewrite it

Mini CV

Servizi proposti Babysitting
Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola
Tata a domicilio
Ragazza alla pari
Esperienza Nessuna esperienza finora, ma voglia di imparare!
Si è già occupato/a di bambini di meno di 6 mesi
Lingue parlate Inglese (corrente)
Arabo (letto, scritto, parlato)
Servizi aggiuntivi Aiuto con i compiti : Sì, per le elementari e la media
Cucina per i bambini : Con piacere, conosco mille ricettine deliziose!
Aiuto faccende domestiche / stiro : Sì, posso


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29 anni
Vahid, giovane ragazzo alla pari Torino


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3,00 €
Babysitting occasionale
Babysitting part-time/ pre o doposcuola
Tata a domicilio

Since I don't have any specific experience in this field the wage is low.