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Babysitting proposti :
Babysitting, Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola (info)

Giovanna, babysitting - 23889 Santa maria hoe'

I punti forti di Giovanna


I'm Gio', 26 y.o. I'm about to finish my master degree in Design&Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, I would like to find a parallel job while working on my thesis :)

I'm reliable, quiet, but also playful and creative. I've always taken good care of children in the past few years:
- I've been a scout leader for 3 years, taking care of 8-12 y.o. children
- I've been an au pir in Bristol for 4 months, then covid happend........ I was working with a super sweet family with a kid
- I was a baby-sitter of a 2 years old girl, till she turned 4
- I have got a super sweet 3 yo niece

I love work with children and plan nice activities, we can spend some of the time together playing, do some art and craft, adventure in the nature, go to the movies, bake off, reading and.
I love animals, so if you have pets i would take good care of them as well.
I'm Italian but i do speack english and I'm learning spanish.
I'm vegetarian, but I don't have any problem with cooking meat meals for your children.

This is something about myself, but of course it's just the tip of the iceberg, if you want to know more just contact me :)

Mini CV

Servizi proposti Babysitting
Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola
Esperienza Esperienza professionale, 2-5 anni.
Si è già occupato/a di bambini di da 6 mesi a 1 anno
da 1 a 3 anni
da 3 a 6 anni
più di 6 anni
Lingue parlate Inglese (corrente)
Spagnolo (principiante)
Servizi aggiuntivi Aiuto con i compiti : Sì, per le elementari e la media
Cucina per i bambini : Con piacere, conosco mille ricettine deliziose!
Aiuto faccende domestiche / stiro : Con piacere, sono una casalinga provetta!


Giovanna può fornirti su richiesta i recapiti degli ex-datori di lavoro che lo/la raccomandano.

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27 anni
Giovanna, babysitting - 23889 Santa maria hoe'


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10,00 €
Babysitting occasionale
8,00 €
Babysitting part-time/ pre o doposcuola