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Babysitting proposti :
Babysitting, Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola (info)

Candelaria, baby-sitter a Forlì

I punti forti di Candelaria


Hello! My name is Candelaria but please feel free to call me Cande :) I am a freshman student at the University of Bologna, Forli campus. I am 21 years old and from Argentina.
I am looking to work part-time or occasionally for families who are either Spanish/English speakers or are interested in raising bilingual/multilingual children. I am a native Spanish speaker and have a C1 level of English; my Italian is not very good.
I have a lot of experience in childcare! For the past two years (June 2021-June 2023), I worked as an Au Pair for a family in the U.S. I took care of three kids for 40 hours a week; Teddy(6), Evie (10), and Jane (12). My work included preparing activities for the kids and playing with them, staying with them in afterschool afternoons, helping with homework, supervising them in playgrounds, helping them to get ready for bed, cooking, and driving. Moreover, I am certified in Pedriatic First Aid by the American Heart Association.
Furthermore, I have additional experience as I took care of my neighbors, Paz (5 at the time) and Lara (10 at the time); I worked for them for a period around 3 months back in 2020, I watched the girls in their afterschool afternoons and occasionally during bed time. I also have a lot of experience with pre-teens (12-13) as I volunteered as a tutor for freshmen and as the coordinator of the drama club in my high school senior year (2019).
I am a responsible, active, and commited person and I am very eager to work with your family.
Please do not hesitate to reach out!

Mini CV

Servizi proposti Babysitting
Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola
Formazione OSA, OSS, attestato ufficiale o equivalente
Attestazione Primo Soccorso (RCP o altro)
Esperienza Esperienza professionale, 2-5 anni.
Si è già occupato/a di bambini di da 3 a 6 anni
più di 6 anni
Lingue parlate Inglese (corrente)
Spagnolo (madrelingua)
Italiano (principiante)
Servizi aggiuntivi Aiuto con i compiti : Sì, per le elementari e la media
Cucina per i bambini : Sì, ne sono capace
Aiuto faccende domestiche / stiro : Sì, posso


Candelaria può fornirti su richiesta i recapiti degli ex-datori di lavoro che lo/la raccomandano.

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21 anni
Candelaria, baby-sitter Forlì


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10,00 €
Babysitting occasionale
Babysitting part-time/ pre o doposcuola