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Babysitting proposti :
Babysitting, Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola, Assistente all'infanzia (info)

Jessica, assistente all'infanzia professionale a Milano

I punti forti di Jessica


Hello 😊
I was born and raised in Switzerland in a bilingual family.
I fluently speak German, Swiss German, Tagalog and English.
I got married in 2020 to my husband who lives in Milan.
Now I'm looking for a family who wants an English or German speaking nanny.
I'm a certified medical assistant and graduated as top two of our region (Thurgau) in Switzerland. I also have a degree in baking and pastries.
I still work part time as a social worker with kids from elementary until high-school. I'm a social worker since 2016 and still counting. Before that I did an internship in 2015 as a social worker that was integrated with a school.
I wish to take care of kids who can speak Italian because I love challenges (I want to be fluent in Italian) but if they speak English or German (my mother tongue) than I'm happy too.
I can understand Italian but I'm not yet fluent in speaking it.

If you're interested to work together I would be happy to hear from you and I can give you more information😊

Mini CV

Servizi proposti Babysitting
Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola
Assistente all'infanzia
Formazione OSA, OSS, attestato ufficiale o equivalente
Attestazione Primo Soccorso (RCP o altro)
Brevetto d'animatore
Esperienza Esperienza professionale, 2-5 anni.
Si è già occupato/a di bambini di meno di 6 mesi
da 6 mesi a 1 anno
da 1 a 3 anni
da 3 a 6 anni
Lingue parlate Inglese (madrelingua)
Tedesco (madrelingua)
Italiano (principiante)
Servizi aggiuntivi Aiuto con i compiti : No, preferisco di no
Cucina per i bambini : Con piacere, conosco mille ricettine deliziose!
Aiuto faccende domestiche / stiro : No, preferisco di no


Jessica può fornirti su richiesta i recapiti degli ex-datori di lavoro che lo/la raccomandano.

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30 anni
Jessica, assistente all'infanzia professionale Milano


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25,00 €
Babysitting occasionale
14,00 €
Babysitting part-time/ pre o doposcuola
15,00 €
Assistente all'infanzia

Years of experience working with kids and doing activity with them.
I have a medical degree where I was trained to do first aid as well (I'm a certified medical assistant) .
I have a degree in baking and doing pastries.
I went to learn English in Exeter (England)
I'm a social worker too.