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Babysitting proposti :
Babysitting, Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola, Tata a domicilio, Assistente all'infanzia, Ragazza alla pari (info)

Priyanka, assistente all'infanzia qualificata a Bologna

I punti forti di Priyanka


Hello this is priyajones finished masters in the university of bologna and i have been babysitting since more than two years
outside of house for other very much interested , creative and well organized and as well as planned out babysitter and always bring activities and crafts for kids and like to incorporate songs as well as if the kids enjoy that as am singer myself.i know that many people were searching for babysitter for someone else to look after but i already done the summer babysitting for a family with an awesome girls aged 3 and 7 and am very familiar with how to entertain children during the babysitter.i have worked with highly social children in the past and i love it.i love spending time with children, and i do by best to make our time together fun, healthy and educational. I strive to provide a warm, fun and nuturing environment in all babysitting goal is for parents to experience worry-free time away from home knowing that their children are in competent hands.i hope that may be the right fit for your family and we may get to talk further details about me, please don't hesitate to contact me.

thank you

Mini CV

Servizi proposti Babysitting
Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola
Tata a domicilio
Assistente all'infanzia
Ragazza alla pari
Esperienza Esperienza professionale, 1-2 anni.
Si è già occupato/a di bambini di meno di 6 mesi
da 6 mesi a 1 anno
da 1 a 3 anni
da 3 a 6 anni
più di 6 anni
Lingue parlate Inglese (madrelingua)
Italiano (letto, scritto, parlato)
Servizi aggiuntivi Aiuto con i compiti : Sì, per le elementari e la media
Cucina per i bambini : Con piacere, conosco mille ricettine deliziose!
Aiuto faccende domestiche / stiro : Con piacere, sono una casalinga provetta!


Priyanka può fornirti su richiesta i recapiti degli ex-datori di lavoro che lo/la raccomandano.

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29 anni
Priyanka, assistente all'infanzia qualificata Bologna


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7,50 €
Babysitting occasionale
8,00 €
Babysitting part-time/ pre o doposcuola
9,50 €
Tata a domicilio
5,20 €
Assistente all'infanzia

Babysitter is usually take 15 to 20 euro per hour for one child but i don't expect money, i need children's to be happy and good healthy. according to care of children the average price per hourly babysitter should get.